Valentine's Day

Event Description

Event period: 13.02 — 27.02

How to participate

The messenger of love, Saint Valentine, arrived in Giran.

With it, you can send a Valentine's card to another player.


With the help of Saint Valentine, you can send them to the player you have a crush on.

Every day, at exactly midnight, the pair of players who received the most votes will be chosen.

The sweet couple receives  Heart Shards x 20,000 each.

Each player can become a winner only once during the event.

Available for purchase in the L store:

 Valentine's card - for beginner players. Unfortunately, your votes will not be counted in the voting. For sending such a Valentine you will receive  Heart Shards x 1000.

 Valentine's card (Filty) - with obscene content, for players level 90+. But your voice already matters. For sending such a Valentine you will receive  Heart Shards x 2000.

Cupid's Heart - necessary to gain the skill Charming Shot.

Cupid's Arrow - used to use skill Charming Shot.

Goods for adena

Name Price
 Valentine's card (1 per day)  Adena - x100 000 000
 Valentine's card (Filty) (1 per day)  Adena - x200 000 000
 Cupid's Heart  Adena - x100 000 000
 Cupid's Arrow  Adena - x10 000 000
Name Price
 Valentine's card (1 per day)  Adena - x1 000 000 000
 Valentine's card (Filty) (1 per day)  Adena - x2 000 000 000
 Cupid's Heart  Adena - x1 000 000 000
 Cupid's Arrow  Adena - x100 000 000
Name Price
 Valentine's card (1 per day)  Adena - x1 000 000 000
 Valentine's card (Filty) (1 per day)  Adena - x2 000 000 000
 Cupid's Heart  Adena - x1 000 000 000
 Cupid's Arrow  Adena - x100 000 000

Monster Hunt

While hunting monsters,  Heart Shards will drop every 20 seconds.

Every 3-5 hours, Angel Cats will appear in the vastness of Elmaroden. They are invulnerable to normal weapons and can only be hit with a  Charm Shot. Each shot consumes  Cupid's Arrow. By killing such a monster, you will receive a  Gift from Valentine.

 Gift from Valentine - Ethereal
Guaranteed from every monster
Name Qty Chance
L Coin 1000 100%
Heart Shard 50 100%
Possible drop of one of the items
Name Qty Chance
Talisman of Baium 1 0,005%
Dye Booster Sealed 6 10%
Hidden Power Booster Sealed 3 10%
Hellbound Energy Sealed 10 5%
Hellbound Energy Sealed 15 3%
Hellbound Energy Sealed 20 2%
Armor of Protection Coupon Sealed 1 4%
Frozen Weapon Coupon Sealed 1 2%
Armor of Protection Coupon +5 Sealed 1 2%
Frozen Weapon Coupon +5 Sealed 1 1%
Doll Summon Coupon (Rare) - 1 time Sealed 1 3%
Scroll: Enchant Rare Accessories Sealed 1 1,5%
Doll Exchange Coupon (Rare) Sealed 1 0,75%
Improved Scroll: Enchant Rare Accessories Sealed 1 0,75%
Doll Summon Coupon (Heroic) - 1 time 1 0,5%
Package: Wild Wind Helmet (Sealed) (Sealed) Sealed 1 0,2%
Package: Red Flame Gauntlets (Sealed) (Sealed) Sealed 1 0,2%
Armor of Protection Coupon +7 Sealed 1 0,2%
Frozen Weapon Coupon +7 Sealed 1 0,1%
Chest with Rare Accessories Core 1 0,15%
Chest with Rare Accessories Orfen 1 0,15%
Chest with Rare Accessories Ant Queen 1 0,15%
Chest with Rare Accessories Zaken 1 0,15%
Chest with Rare Accessories Frintezza 1 0,1%
Chest with Rare Accessories Baium 1 0,05%
Doll Summon Coupon (Legendary) - 1-time 1 0,05%
Incredible Upgrade Stone 1 0,07%
Stable Scroll: Enchant Rare Accessories  1 0,07%

 Gift from Valentine - Platinum
Guaranteed from every monster
Name Qty Chance
L Coin 1000 100%
Heart Shard 50 100%
Possible drop of one of the items
Name Qty Chance
Talisman of Baium +9 1 0,0001%
Weapon Fragment of Immortality 1 0,0005%
Weapon Fragment of Immortality Sealed 1 0,001%
Tobald's Prophesy 1 0,03%
Cursed Holy Grail 1 0,03%
Talisman of Baium +8 1 0,005%
Talisman of Baium +7 1 0,01%
Talisman of Baium +6 1 0,05%
Dye Booster Sealed 6 8,5%
Hidden Power Booster Sealed 3 8,5%
Hellbound Energy Sealed 20 5%
Hellbound Energy Sealed 30 3%
Hellbound Energy Sealed 50 2%
Boss Weapon Coupon +7 Sealed 1 5%
Frozen Weapon Coupon +7 Sealed 1 3%
Armor of Protection Coupon +7 Sealed 1 6%
Doll Summon Coupon (Heroic) - 1 time Sealed 1 3%
Scroll: Enchant Rare Accessories Sealed 1 4%
Doll Exchange Coupon (Heroic) Sealed 1 1%
Improved Scroll: Enchant Rare Accessories Sealed 1 2%
Doll Summon Coupon (Legendary) - 1-time 1 0,5%
Aden's Exploration Report 2 2%
Package: Wild Wind Helmet (Sealed) +7 Sealed 1 2%
Package: Red Flame Gauntlets (Sealed) +7 Sealed 1 2%
Chest with Rare Accessories Core +4 1 0,2%
Chest with Rare Accessories Orfen +4 1 0,2%
Chest with Rare Accessories Ant Queen +4 1 0,2%
Chest with Rare Accessories Zaken +4 1 0,2%
Chest with Rare Accessories Frintezza +4 1 0,15%
Chest with Rare Accessories Baium +4 1 0,15%
Chest with Rare Accessories Antharas +4 1 0,1%
Chest with Rare Accessories Beleth +4 1 0,1%
Doll Summon Coupon (Mythic) - 1-time 1 0,1%
Incredible Upgrade Stone 1 0,5%
Stable Scroll: Enchant Rare Accessories 1 0,5%
 Gift from Valentine - Celestial
Guaranteed from every monster
Name Qty Chance
L Coin 1000 100%
Heart Shard 50 100%
Possible drop of one of the items
Name Qty Chance
Talisman of Baium +5 1 0,005%
Talisman of Baium +4 1 0,01%
Talisman of Baium +3 1 0,03%
Dye Booster Sealed 6 8,5%
Hidden Power Booster Sealed 3 8,5%
Hellbound Energy Sealed 10 5%
Hellbound Energy Sealed 20 3%
Hellbound Energy Sealed 30 2%
Boss Weapon Coupon +7 Sealed 1 3,5%
Frozen Weapon Coupon +7 Sealed 1 2%
Armor of Protection Coupon +7 Sealed 1 4%
Doll Summon Coupon (Rare) - 1 time Sealed 1 3%
Scroll: Enchant Rare Accessories Sealed 1 2%
Doll Exchange Coupon (Heroic) Sealed 1 0,25%
Improved Scroll: Enchant Rare Accessories Sealed 1 1%
Doll Summon Coupon (Heroic) - 1 time Sealed 1 1,25%
Aden's Exploration Report 1 1%
Package: Wild Wind Helmet (Sealed) +7 Sealed 1 0,5%
Package: Red Flame Gauntlets (Sealed) +7 Sealed 1 0,5%
Chest with Rare Accessories Core +2 1 0,2%
Chest with Rare Accessories Orfen +2 1 0,2%
Chest with Rare Accessories Ant Queen +2 1 0,2%
Chest with Rare Accessories Zaken +2 1 0,2%
Chest with Rare Accessories Frintezza +2 1 0,15%
Chest with Rare Accessories Baium +2 1 0,15%
Chest with Rare Accessories Antharas +2 1 0,1%
Chest with Rare Accessories Beleth +2 1 0,1%
Doll Summon Coupon (Legendary) - 1-time Sealed 1 0,1%
Incredible Upgrade Stone 1 0,25%
Stable Scroll: Enchant Rare Accessories 1 0,25%

Item Exchange

After collecting  Heart Shards, you can exchange them for valuable rewards by using an item.

  Exchange of Heart Shards - Ethereal
Name Qty
Scroll: Enchant Rare Accessories Sealed 1000
Improved Scroll: Enchant Rare Accessories Sealed 1200
Coupon for Special Equipment and Talismans Sealed 8
Package: Einhasad's Pendant Lv. 1 Sealed 15
Spirit Agathion Exchange Coupon Sealed 6
Jewelry Coupon Sealed 2
Dye Booster Sealed 5
Hidden Power Booster Sealed 10

  Exchange of Heart Shards - Platinum
Name Qty
Scroll: Enchant Rare Accessories Sealed 200
Improved Scroll: Enchant Rare Accessories Sealed 250
Coupon for Special Equipment and Talismans Sealed 3
Package: Einhasad's Pendant Lv. 1 Sealed 5
Spirit Agathion Exchange Coupon Sealed 2
Jewelry Coupon Sealed 1
Dye Booster Sealed 2
Hidden Power Booster Sealed 4

  Exchange of Heart Shards - Celestial
Name Qty
Scroll: Enchant Rare Accessories Sealed 400
Improved Scroll: Enchant Rare Accessories Sealed 500
Coupon for Special Equipment and Talismans Sealed 5
Package: Einhasad's Pendant Lv. 1 Sealed 6
Spirit Agathion Exchange Coupon Sealed 3
Jewelry Coupon Sealed 1
Dye Booster Sealed 3
Hidden Power Booster Sealed 5

Special Craft

A limited exchange of  Heart Shards is also possible through a special creation

Name Qty for exchange Creation Limit
Stable Scroll: Enchant Rare Accessories Sealed 6000 3
Incredible Upgrade Stone Sealed 4000 3
Doll Summon Coupon (Legendary) - 1-time Sealed 12500 2
Special Scroll: Enchant A-grade Armor Sealed 2500 3
Special Scroll: Enchant A-grade Weapon Sealed 2500 2
Coupon for Special Enchant Scroll Sealed 2500 2
Frozen Weapon Coupon +7 Sealed 2500 2
Armor of Protection Coupon +7 Sealed 2500 3
Doll Summon Coupon (Heroic) - 1 time Sealed 2000 5
Orb of Retribution Lv. 2 Sealed 10000 1
Jewelry Box Lv. 8 Coupon Sealed 25000 2
Coupon for Talisman +9 Sealed 15000 1
Orb of Retribution Lv. 1 Sealed 5000 1
Name Qty for exchange Creation Limit
Stable Scroll: Enchant Rare Accessories Sealed 2000 10
Incredible Upgrade Stone Sealed 3000 10
Coupon for Special Enchant Scroll Sealed 1500 5
Frozen Weapon Coupon +7 Sealed 500 10
Armor of Protection Coupon +7 Sealed 500 10
Jewelry Box Lv. 8 Coupon Sealed 4000 3
Doll Summon Coupon (Mythic) - 1-time Sealed 12500 2
Doll Summon Coupon (Legendary) - 1-time Sealed 2000 10
Orb of Retribution Lv. 5 Sealed 12500 2
Name Qty for exchange Creation Limit
Stable Scroll: Enchant Rare Accessories Sealed 3000 5
Incredible Upgrade Stone Sealed 4000 3
Special Scroll: Enchant A-grade Armor Sealed 1250 3
Special Scroll: Enchant A-grade Weapon Sealed 2500 3
Coupon for Special Enchant Scroll Sealed 1250 2
Doll Summon Coupon (Legendary) - 1-time Sealed 5000 7
Doll Summon Coupon (Heroic) - 1 time Sealed 750 10
Frozen Weapon Coupon +7 Sealed 750 10
Armor of Protection Coupon +7 Sealed 750 10
Jewelry Box Lv. 8 Coupon Sealed 6000 2
Orb of Retribution Lv. 3 Sealed 10000 2
Упаковка: Talisman of Baium Sealed 5000 1
Scroll: Enchant Talisman of Baium Sealed 1000 7